
Stuff that’s not an Album…

Hands Sanitizer
A .5 oz bottle of hand sanitizer (62% ethyl alcohol) with our logo and “My Hands Are Monsters” quote from our song “Hands.” Each bottle comes with a download card for Hands (redeem through our Bandcamp site), and a printout of a handwashing chart with lyrics – because it’s always better to wash with soap and water when you can! Post it by your sink and sing along while you wash. These also make great gifts for your postal carrier, delivery drivers, grocery clerks, health care peeps and other essential workers.
Hands Sanitizer from our Square Store for $15.00.

Eat Like an Acoustic Grunge Band

Eat Like an Acoustic Grunge Band
ilyAIMY cookbook
© 2017 ilyAIMY
Physical book on our Square Store for $20.00