ilyAIMY upDates 8/16/21 - This weekend in Westminster, Frederick, MD. View online
ilyAIMY Dangerous Music for Dangerous Times

Join us this week for a Live from the Lair with Shawn Taylor (for reals this time) and a weekend in one of our newest-favourite venues and a brand-new-to-us venue too - and above all keep your ears peeled (ew) because the weather is outright capricious.

I Love the gentle feel of rain upon my luxuriant locks, and I relish the breeze and even the contrast of a hot sweaty day - but putting all those together plus a (un)healthy dose of house current gets to be a bit much!

If you’ve got some digital currency burning holes in your digital pockets, we’ve got physical merch at and digital merch at – and of course we’ll happily accept donations at and Venmo @ilytips. We even have an Amazon wishlist covering things we use regularly or could regularly use – whether you’re thinking “gosh, they deserve a new audio interface and / or action figures and some socks!”.

upComing and inComing:

Okay – take two with inviting Shawn Taylor into the Lair! Things didn’t work out last week, Life got in the way and frankly, having last Wednesday to ourselves to talk about my father for a little while wasn’t the worst thing. Shawn and I have had some good Dad…

Westminster - 62 West Main St

A new to us cafe that built a special little music shack out back! And it’s BEAUTIFUL! Huzzah! American Ice Co. Cafe (62 W. Main St., Westminster MD 21157 | 6-9pm). Delicious sandwiches, coffee and ice cream. And ice cream IN the coffee. And vice versa. And you could probably…

Frederick - 1781 N Market St,

It seems like Frederick, MD did very little over pandemic but create new-to-us breweries and distilleries – and that those breweries and distilleries did little but create wondrous concoctions and watch ilyAIMY Livestreams, dreaming of a day when they could invite us in… or at least TO (since “indoors” ain’t…

ESPECIALLY nowadays with COVID restrictions and so many outdoor shows, it's probably not a bad idea to call a venue ahead of time to make sure there are no surprises. We try to keep everything up-to-date on - but our social media it's probably more up-to-the-second! Facebook, Instagram and Twitter are where we'll probably manage to get cancelations, schedule and detail changes first - so make sure you follow, Like, finger us... whatever it is you do on those crazy thangs!

Wandering and Wondering:


You know what I mean.

If you don't, take a big breath and just say it out loud with me. 


Just let it all out. 

It was quite a weekend - in a dramatically different way than LAST weekend was quite a weekend. Good, bad, beautiful, painful. Nothing huge, but nothing small.


Baltimore, MD

August 14th, 2021. Friday the 13th.
Well, I’ve got to admit last night was EXHAUSTING, and as I look at my gigantic…
August 12th, 2021. Silver lining, where now?
(Okay – here’s a silver lining – on August 10th, 2021 – while Tinsmith was performing…
August 8th, 2021. Well rain, your move...
I don’t know that I have much to say other than thank you for an incredible…
August 7th, 2021. Particle Accelerator.
Saturday morning in Glastonbury was idyllic minus the aches and pains of the previous day’s load…
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