ilyAIMY upDates - 2 Questions. View online

I have 2 questions for you dear listener.

One : Wednesday night's Live from the Lair. Should we keep it at 7pm ET? Or move a little later to 8pm ET?

IF you're a Facebook user, go answer the poll here in the ilyAIMY Facebook Group here. IF you're not, well, you CAN just hit "reply" to this email. I'll add you to the tally. So far it looks like we might start moving to a later time slot and just seeeeee how it plays out with the neighbours! We'll declare for one time or the other Wednesday morn.

Two : Tell me something good? 

I think anyone close to me has had me ask this of them at some point or another. Scroll to the bottom of the Journal's most recent entry and leave a comment. Give me an unending stream of things that make you happy, made you happy, you're looking forward to or you were simply happy to see. Some days are better than others. Give me something to read on the bad ones.

upComing and inComing:
rob’s VOM XCIII (Virtual Open Mic) – “Doin’ The Don’t”
January 3, 2022
19:00 - 21:30
Further details....
Live from the Lair
January 5, 2022
19:00 - 21:00
Further details....
1/8 – Saturday Matinee w Jon Patton – rK
January 8, 2022
16:00 - 17:00
Further details....
Lansdowne Folk Club – rHK
March 24, 2022
Lansdowne - 84 S. Lansdowne Ave.
Further details....

Full a full calendar, please visit

The pandemic is with us seemingly eternally, so it doesn't hurt to call a venue ahead of time to make sure there are no surprises! We try to keep everything up-to-date on - but our social media is more up-to-the-second! Facebook, Instagram and Twitter are where we'll post last-minute changes - so make sure you follow, Like, subscribe... whatever it is you do on those crazy thangs!

Wandering and Wondering:

I'm just gonna repeat this from Facebook... cause it's truth.

I'm involved in a lotta stuff. ilyAIMY is my heart, and we're webcasting Live from the Lair every Wednesday cause we can, but Heather Aubrey Lloyd is on Music My Mother Would Not Like on Tuesday, Kristen Jones and I join Midway Fair for his Saturday matinee on, well, Saturday, and generally we get up to all sorts of stuff.
But Rob's Open Mics webcasts the VOM every Monday, and picking up next week with Michelle Swan as our featured artist, we're at Sandy Spring Museum every Tuesday.
And I'm the executive director for Focus Music and we've got Andrew McKnight this Saturday night.
And if you're sick of music, just follow my cat on Instagram.

Baltimore, MD

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December 20th, 2021. Bored with the board. (but a great night)
12 20 21. That’s just fun. So – at a board meeting last night for a…
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