ilyAIMY upDates - March brings Philadelphia, PA | Chords of Courage View online

A lot changed since Kristen and I went to Georgia, but with our return there's some semblance of normalcy because at least I'm back to the tools I use to cope with the world. Hopefully we help some people along the way. For example, if you're thinking "I need to buy some musical gear", House of Musical Traditions is giving 10% of ALL PROCEEDS this Saturday to a Ukraine non-profit - visit for details!

Tonight's VOM 102. We've got a full list as we “Paint the sound of your intention” (our topic for the night) w me & Rowan hosting + performances from Rick Millman, Pattons both Jon and Steve, DeJohn, Robert Bertinelli, Kyla Tilley, Juels Bland, Kate Buckholdt, Chrises Ehrich AND Otto, Grover TEE Duffield, John Peiffer & Kosi! It'll be good to be surrounded by friends, even though the chances of me remembering how Zoom works are 50/50 at best!

Tuesday I head down to the SPRING to perpetrate open mic 2 of the week, in person with featured artist Jesse Moody who is truly the local folky reincarnation of Prince (funk pop icon, not my cat) that you never knew you needed. A fantastic list forming up for THAT too so I'm kindaquiver with anticipation over it. I hope you'll join us! 

And then Wednesday it's Live from the Lair with Kristen and me and Sharif and I'm going to bloody well try to have at least HALF as much fun as Rowan and Heather had together because I'm highly jealous of the joy y'all perpetrated last week!

Saturday I might do some shopping...

SUNDAY ilyAIMY's the house band for Chords of Courage which is a little tricky to explain but basically Heather's done arrangements of songs by other writers that you will have never heard of and we'll perform them as awards are awarded to said writers. It's for the kids but it doesn't SOUND like it's for kids and the songs are pretty amazing. 

All-of-the-above are on Facebook, MOST of the above will be on YouTube - and a lot of it will be on Twitch to boot. Links with the events below!

upComing and inComing:
rob’s VOM CII – “Paint the sound of your intention”
March 7, 2022
19:00 - 21:30
Further details....
Open Mic at the SPRING w special guest Jesse Moody
March 8, 2022
19:00 - 21:30
Sandy Spring - 17901 Bentley Road
Further details....
Live from the Lair – rKS
March 9, 2022
20:00 - 22:00
Further details....
House of Musical Traditions Ukraine Benefit
March 12, 2022
00:00 - 23:59
Further details....
Chords of Courage w ilyAIMY
March 13, 2022
00:00 - 23:59
Further details....
Lansdowne Folk Club – rHK
March 24, 2022
Lansdowne - 84 S. Lansdowne Ave.
Further details....

Full a full calendar, please visit

The pandemic is with us seemingly eternally, so it doesn't hurt to call a venue ahead of time to make sure there are no surprises! We try to keep everything up-to-date on - but our social media is more up-to-the-second! Facebook, Instagram and Twitter are where we'll post last-minute changes - so make sure you follow, Like, subscribe... whatever it is you do on those crazy thangs!

Wandering and Wondering:

There is, of course, a lot going on in my head, but as always there is a salve for me and it is our music, and our friends and our fans. I'm looking forward to this week as I gather all of that around me. I wish it could do ANYTHING for the people of Ukraine ... but in my darkest moments people still give me light. 

Lying in bed, lying to myself about falling to sleep, worrying about all the worries that I worry, I got a text from a number I didn't know with a Pittsburgh area code:

"This is super random and super weird I know, but I'm desperately trying to find a place to listen to/buy "deep in the AM" that song got me through a lot of shitty times in my life and my copy finally bit the dust. Either way, love you guys. Love your music. Hope you don't stop doing your thing."

I told them that I can't stop / won't stop and we'll play Deep in the AM for them on the next Live from the Lair. So.... I've got to remember THAT because at some point I made things better for you, and you've turned it around and made things better for me, and Wednesday I'll try to turn it around again.

Of such things do we build a slightly better world.

Baltimore, MD

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