Wed w SONiA disappear fear & Sat w Annette Wasilik & Gabrielle Zwi View online

This week is really special, and I dread the fact that it will vanish into the NOISE of the world. I've presented all of the artists I'll be playing with this week before, but in general I've been the host, lurking behind the scenes somewhere, never on the stage with them - and so I'm SO excited about this week.

Tomorrow night we're joined Live from the Lair by SONiA disappear fear - a woman I've known OF for decades, but a woman I've only MET since the pandemic began. I was really shy about inviting her to do tomorrow's webcast because picking up guitar in college in art school in Baltimore, Disappear Fear was often mentioned in the same breath is the Indigo Girls and if anything, was even MORE inspirational to any of my LGBT+ ( a term that didn't EXIST back then ) friends because SONiA was LOCAL and PRESENT.

Gabrielle Zwi and Annette Wasilik I've been friends with for much longer - dragging them onto various stages in Baltimore and Takoma Park and with both of these singer / songwriters I've experienced the bliss of being absolutely TRANSPORTED by their writing, their voices, and their storytelling. With Annette there's a flawless, calm delivery that probably stems from her background in healing and massage (those strong hands don't hurt her exquisitely complicated chord voicings, for sure!) and with Gabrielle there's a frenetic energy that comes with their exploration of both themselves and the very flawed world around them - an energy they go on to use in SOLVING some of those problems as an activist fighting so hard it humbles me.

And me? I'm not flawless, and I'm pretty frenetic but I think it's just the way I am. I'll strive to deserve my place betwixt all of these wonderful performers. Please join us!

upComing and inComing:
Live from the Lair w SONiA disappear fear
June 8, 2022
19:00 - 21:00
Further details....
Focus Board Showcase w Annette Wasilik, Gabrielle Zwi & rob Hinkal
June 11, 2022
19:00 - 22:00
Gaithersburg - 617 S Frederick Ave
Further details....

Full a full calendar, please visit

The pandemic is with us seemingly eternally, so it doesn't hurt to call a venue ahead of time to make sure there are no surprises! We try to keep everything up-to-date on - but our social media is more up-to-the-second! Facebook, Instagram and Twitter are where we'll post last-minute changes - so make sure you follow, Like, subscribe... whatever it is you do on those crazy thangs!

Wandering and Wondering:

This weekend was a LOT and my body keeps reminding me that I'm a little out of practice (read : shape!) carrying ALL of this GEAR! I'm so very grateful to all of the people who helped me out Saturday night with setup and break down to present Suteera Nagavajara and Masters Vorayot and Kittima Suksaichon - and of course the FIRST of the Open Air Open Mics NOT to get rained out in Ellicott City on Sunday? Again - thanks to Heather and Kristen for helping me out making the first one of these new open mics as smoov and beautiful as possible. 

Looking forward to many more. And remember, over the summer months, hug BEFORE you lug!

Baltimore, MD

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