MD Primary, Heather opens for Gordon Lightfoot, LftL, then some full band stuff.... View online

Tomorrow night Kristen & I shalt be doing our thing in the Lair. You know... the thing? Where we go Live and play our little hearts out and we talk about our cat?

THAT thing!

But Heather shan't be with us. She hasn't been making a big deal out of it but she's opening for Gordon Lightfoot tomorrow night in Frederick, MD. This show was SUPPOSED to have happened back in February, and sold out back then, but darn it, Gordon's band caught COVID and they had to reschedule a number of dates - and the reschedule DID open up a couple of tickets! SO if your idea of fun is going to see an amazing singer/songwriter with a spectacular voice and sparkling personality followed by "the Legend in Concert", visit and get tickets!

Kristen and I'll be doing Live from the Lair, like we do every Wednesday at 7pm ET on, and We hope you'll join us. Any of us!

upComing and inComing:
Live from the Lair – rK
July 20, 2022
19:00 - 21:00
Further details....
Debby Day
July 23, 2022
16:00 - 21:00
Woodstock - RSVP for address
Further details....
Blues Alley
July 26, 2022
20:00 - 23:30
Washington - 1073 Wisconsin Ave NW
Further details....

Full a full calendar, please visit

The pandemic is with us seemingly eternally, so it doesn't hurt to call a venue ahead of time to make sure there are no surprises! We try to keep everything up-to-date on - but our social media is more up-to-the-second! Facebook, Instagram and Twitter are where we'll post last-minute changes - so make sure you follow, Like, subscribe... whatever it is you do on those crazy thangs!

Wandering and Wondering:

Primary elections are happening today in Maryland. Most states' primaries are next month. A couple of them have already gone by. I was reading that something like 40% of people bother to turn out to vote in a non-presidential election (I don't know the percentage for the primaries... but I imagine it's a LOT lower). You may think your voice doesn’t matter, but that’s a self-fulfilling prophecy. Get educated. Go vote. is a great starting resource. Read up on the candidates. Learn about their purported positions. Get judgey about their grammar. Write it all down in advance and then just go fucking vote.

There are a LOT of people who'd have you believe that governments serve no purpose. That they're just there to get in the way and to impose unneeded rules.  They'd have you believe that the best government is one that just stays out of the way.

Well, as I think about paying the rent, and restringing my guitar, and whether my cameras are working for tomorrow night, and whether ANYONE is going to come to Blues Alley a week from today - I don't have a lot of room in my head for worrying about the fact that the world is literally on fire. I don't have the mental wherewithal to solve fiscal crises beyond whether I have money left over at the end of the month to put into savings. I don't want to test my water quality every morning. I don't have the savvy to finesse global supply chains back into shape. I cab’t turn the world away from short-sighted policies that are finally truly coming home to roost.

I can barely go back and spell-check that last sentence.

And I sure don't have the sheer smarts required to solve ALL those problems as they're compounded by an isolated madman who has single-handedly made all the world's problems worse by deciding to storm over to his neighbour's yard and kick over the furniture.

And so I vote. Because all that crap is theoretically someone else’s job. They’re not doing their job - they haven’t been for years. But individuals are literally too small to affect the kind of change needed in our nation, much less our world. But if you have ANY reason to be invested in the future – you plan to Live in it for a little longer, maybe you have kids that you’d like to see Live a better Life than yours – at LEAST do the bare minimum.

Go vote.

Baltimore, MD

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