ilyAIMY upDates - Sat in Gaithersburg w rob and Rowan. View online

This week's a lot. Rowan's hosting the 159th VOM, I'm hosting one of my idols, Robert Lighthouse, at the SPARK on Tuesday. Wednesday our dear friend John Peiffer's joining us in the Lair, and Thursday I restart the outdoor open mic in Ellicott City in my favourite parking lot anywhere. 

And then Saturday Rowan and I jam to the accompaniment of an amazing smelling kitchen and a wonderful little stage. I'll show you the two places you should NOT sit for the sake of weird bass traps, but I hope you fill up the rest of the place, cause we never get to do this. 

... and of course ilyAIMY is Live from the Lair on, YouTube/ilyAIMY and every Wednesday at 7pm ET. 

upComing and inComing:
Monday night VOM – 159
April 24, 2023
The more you know...
Open Mic at the Takoma Spark w Robert Lighthouse
April 25, 2023
Takoma Park - 7112 Willow Ave.
The more you know...
Live from the Lair w John Peiffer
April 26, 2023
The more you know...
Open Air Open Mic at the Little Market Cafe
April 27, 2023
Ellicott City - 3731 Hamilton St
The more you know...
4/29 – Hostile and Ruin at Island Pride Oasis
April 29, 2023
Gaithersburg - 617 S Frederick Ave
The more you know...

Full a full calendar, please visit

The pandemic is with us seemingly eternally, so it doesn't hurt to call a venue ahead of time to make sure there are no surprises! We try to keep everything up-to-date on - but our social media is more up-to-the-second! Facebook, Instagram and Twitter are where we'll post last-minute changes - so make sure you follow, Like, subscribe... whatever it is you do on those crazy thangs!

Wandering and Wondering:

SoooOOOooooo I bought a house on Wednesday. Kristen and I. We went to a little office here in Catonsville, transferred tens of thousands of dollars here and there, willy and nilly, signed 117 pages of documents physically and digitally, and bought a house.

Then we went home, to OUR home, and pulled up a bush that had been the bane of our existence for the last decade or so and played the Lair to celebrate.

It was a good celebration. 

Then the cat got sick.

So - one hand giveth, the other hand taketh away. Another hand wipes it up. 

- rob
Baltimore, MD

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