ilyAIMY upDates - Tonight w Juels Bland & Sharif - the end of the month is Heather Time. View online

Above : click for tonight's Live from the Lair on YouTube... also Live on Facebook and Twitch. 7pm ET.

We're home from Canada (Journal entries slowly resolving) and there's an awful lot of cat fur in the Lair. Sharif's gonna hate it. Juels Bland* in the Lair too. Sharif's gonna Love it. Maybe I'll make popcorn, sit back, and watch.

And then weekend after next is Heather weekend. With a birthday ON Halloween, and Halloween on a TUESDAY, Friday the 27th at New Deal Cafe and Saturday at Monocacy Brewing is as close as we're going to get to Heather Shows this year. Costumes encouraged, and sometimes a big fuzzy Yoda's the only way to stay warm. Your presence is your present.

upComing and inComing:

ilyAIMY is Live from the Lair on, YouTube/ilyAIMY and ALMOST every Wednesday at 7pm ET. 

New Deal Cafe
October 27, 2023
Greenbelt - 113 Centerway
Monocacy Brewing
October 28, 2023
Frederick - 1781 N Market St,
Mon 11/6 - Institute of Musical Traditions presents ilyAYREheart.
Mon 11/6 - Institute of Musical Traditions presents ilyAYREheart.
Dave Eisner (IMT) came out to our last show with the prog/baroque trio Ayreheart, and in that Dave voice of his said “hrm. You know… this is pretty good. Needs bigger speakers”. What can I say? I agree.
Tickets and info

Full a full calendar, please visit

The pandemic is with us seemingly eternally, so it doesn't hurt to call a venue ahead of time to make sure there are no surprises! We try to keep everything up-to-date on - but our social media is more up-to-the-second! Facebook, Instagram and Twitter are where we'll post last-minute changes - so make sure you follow, Like, subscribe... whatever it is you do on those crazy thangs!

Wandering and Wondering:

Canada kind of blew my mind. I came back excited, inspired, and in dire desire of drums. Slowly going to work through my feelings and pictures and YOU can slowly chew through this Spotify playlist that Kristen made of the artists responsible for the above mind-blowing : SPOTIFY

Over and over I am overwhelmed by what, we as humans, create. Bagpipes and guitars and drums and elephants in the room... blown, strummed, beaten and absolutely ignored. 

*Juels Bland in the Lair : Yep, he's back. We've been jamming more and more as he's taken the title of At Most All of rob's Open Mics Even When rob's Not There. When we ARE together, when we're able to take the stage together, there's a strange, dangerous chemistry. We've known one another for a long, long time and yet there's still the dance of trust. This chord? That chord? It's PROBABLY Am, but it might not be. If it's not it's probably B minor but that's not what the trust's all about. Dodge, parry, thrust. Playing with Juels is an adventure, throwing dice, mad skills, and a voice that would leave me stunned on the floor if I was new to it. As it is I hang on for dear Life and enjoy what we add to one another. 

- rob
wherever the car's parked

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