ilyAIMY Dangerous Music for Dangerous Times

I'm stressed out. Frazzled. Chaotic. The Wednesday night webcasts are a point of calm in the midst of all that frazzled chaos because after I've got everything set up, after I click "Go Live" and the stream's going out to Facebook and YouTube and Twitch and I start seeing those first comments from YOU - then I can settle into doing the Thing That I Do which is playing and singing my little heart out. It's the one thing that's familiar, and I'm so grateful to do it.

Our Awkward Plea : ilyAIMY hath lost all their gigs. If you've got some digital currency burning holes in your digital pockets, we've got physical merch at and digital merch at - and of course we'll happily accept donations at and Venmo @ilytips.

upComing and inComing:

Running a “Virtual Open Mic” online is a LOT different from running a physical one at coffeeshop or bar, but it’s worth it because maintaining a sense of community… well, it’s even more important than I thought it was. Join us every Monday from 7-10pm ET as we get performances…

Wed 8/26 – ilyAIMY gets a little more Rowan on. Live on Facebook, YouTube and… TWITCH?! | 7pm ET | tips greatly appreciated (especially with a 4-way split!) at or and venmo @ilytips So very grateful that we’re able to have Rowan, and twice in a row? Surely…

Please join me for an afternoon house concert featuring singer-songwriters Kosi and rob hinkal of ilyAIMY. More info: Aww… I Love it when people use this description! “rob Hinkal – someone once told rob that what he does to his guitar is illegal in three states. They meant it…

Running a “Virtual Open Mic” online is a LOT different from running a physical one at coffeeshop or bar, but it’s worth it because maintaining a sense of community… well, it’s even more important than I thought it was. Join us every Monday from 7-10pm ET as we get performances…

Sat 9/5 – College Park Arts Exchange presents Labor Day Porch Play! ilyAIMY, plus a special Rowan Corbett set and SO MUCH Japanese drumming from Mark H Rooney and his wife Kristen (not to be mistaken for OUR Kristen!) 4902 Quebec St., College Park, MD We had such a great…

Wandering and Wondering:

It's weird. I suddenly have a new job. I'm webcasting other people remotely. I walk them through the process of setting things up, I get files and information from them in advance, and some nights are waaay easier than others. As I write this for tomorrow's mailing list I'm killing time before a webcast from an artist on the west coast. She and I have been working on this since July and most of the above stress is being caused by it FINALLY coming to pass. The last week has done much to reimagine my approach towards clients... and I think I'm planning to take on FAR fewer of them in the next several months. 

Work can kill you, ya know?

Our OWN webcasts have just been a joy. For as much as they can be a little stressful setting up, and they always seem to have SOME little hitch at the last second, I'm playing with my FRIENDS and it's wonderful. I was just rewatching a little bit of our ilyAIMY by Candlelight show (linked in the Journal below) and realizing just how much I LOVE doing this stuff.

For myself.

For other people? Well... it sure depends on the people!

For you? I'd LOVE to. YOU I LIKE!

Psh. I mean, it's more than "like".

I Love you and I miss you. 

Baltimore, MD (FOREVER!!!!)

August 22nd, 2020. The Devil is in the Details.
I suck at the details. I know I’m supposed to read left to right. If someone’s trying to show me something in Herbrew I know to try to read right…

August 12th, 2020. ilyAIMY by Candlelight.
Ha. Going back and watching a bit of this webstream fills me with glee. I’d mentioned a couple of weeks ago wanting to try some weird stuff, like a candlelit…

August 8th, 2020. Debbie Day.
Saturday has been long-awaited and up to the last second we were unsure if it was going to happen, but Debbie’s been crossing her t’s and dotting her i’s and…

July 29th, 2020. The Nerd Set.
Many years ago we did an amazing job on a very cool album. It was the first one where Heather was truly a PARTNER on the whole thing and it…

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