September 12th, 2004.

Tonight we went back to Cafe Florian. I haven’t been there in forever, it seems. People were amazed, when last they saw us, Heather and I had been playing together for three weeks, and now it’s been three years. Sharif joined us and we played a really Lovely set, including Heather’s new one “Illinois is Overflowing”. It was gorgeous to be in that room again, even though it’s got kind of a faded glory to me now, with Syl absent, with Mia missing (heh)… but the faces that WERE there were familiar, and it was important to be impressive to these people, who I remember once gave me the impression of wishing I’d go away so they could hear Audrey better – I’ve come home to shine, in a way.

Hrm, sleepy and typing, Rowan looking over my shoulder, watching set up in Arlington, VA at the Galaxy Hut. Very sleepy. Won the festival thingie, perhaps I’ll talk more about that later. I’m mostly typing for the moment so I can put an Arlington, VA location in the TOC, rather than so many MD dates. Makes sense, right?

At the Sense of Wonder show, Den Frumen invited us to come the next night and play as a featured artist at the laid back Cafe Florian.
At the Sense of Wonder show, Den Frumen invited us to come the next night and play as a featured artist at the laid back Cafe Florian.
Firedean at Galaxy Hut.
Austin Stahl heads up Private Eleanor at the Galaxy Hut.
Austin Stahl heads up Private Eleanor at the Galaxy Hut.
C'est moi playing with the blurry Firedean at the Galaxy Hut last night.
C’est moi playing with the blurry Firedean at the Galaxy Hut last night.
Firedean chases an audience member out the door...
Firedean chases an audience member out the door…

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