June 6th, 2004.

So, normally, in Pittsburgh, we’d be staying with our friend Sarah at her apartment, but circumstances have lead us to staying with Sarah at her parents, and we were really worried about that at first. But the parents, though perhaps wary at first, seem to have accepted us just fine. And frankly, we were at home as soon as Sarah’s mom came running at us screaming “OH MY GOD it’s ILYAIMY!!!!” Enthusiasm coupled with correct pronunciation and I’m happy.

This kid was walking back and forth through this ghost-town of a festival, dragging his umberella back and forth.
This kid was walking back and forth through this ghost-town of a festival, dragging his umberella back and forth.
So, we were JUST setting up to play under a tent, sharing it with a dampened stained glass seller, when these guys started up, shattering the silence of the street, and drowning out ANY possibility of our playing.
So, we were JUST setting up to play under a tent, sharing it with a dampened stained glass seller, when these guys started up, shattering the silence of the street, and drowning out ANY possibility of our playing.

Yesterday’s drive terminated in a frantic hunt for parking, and the jostling jolting of curb hugging pressure that comes with parallel parking. I’m really bad at it, and Heather hasn’t healed well enough to really parallel park that easily in my Saturn, which doesn’t have power steering.

Barrett Black's unconventional cello sounds attracted me away from the dragon. He plays cello the way I play guitar - the way yer not supposed to.
Barrett Black’s unconventional cello sounds attracted me away from the dragon. He plays cello the way I play guitar – the way yer not supposed to.
Heather got this show of the dragon swallowing children
Heather got this show of the dragon swallowing children.

People who’ve never driven a car without power steering, can NOT really appreciate this.

Heather engulfed by kids, pretty much our only audience at the Penn Avenue Arts Festival.
Heather engulfed by kids, pretty much our only audience at the Penn Avenue Arts Festival.
DCF 1.0

The Penn Ave Festival (and I KNOW I’m calling it something slightly wrong, I’m sure Heather will correct me) was not a bust, but only by a hair and three dollars. The grey drizzle wasn’t heavy, but it WAS persistant – we ALMOST had a stage when another performer was late, and we ALMOST had a tarp when another performer ended early, but most of our performance was spent with a watchful eye on the sky, peeking out from under an entrance ledge – praying that a downpour wouldn’t come out of nowhere and wash us all away.

Sarah's parents' beautiful house. The whole structure is settling in weird ways so that all the floors are slanted and tilted and kind of disconcerting. Fantastic house though. Nooks and crannies and curves.
Sarah’s parents’ beautiful house. The whole structure is settling in weird ways so that all the floors are slanted and tilted and kind of disconcerting. Fantastic house though. Nooks and crannies and curves.

Our audience consisted of passerby’s who had that look in their eye of “going someplace” – and children with balloons who had nowhere else to go – they enjoyed us a LOT, much mirth and dancing and we WERE the centre of the party, but… it was cold and it was wet and we were damp and we were brief. Soon, we took a detour into a local pet store (CAUSE WE LIKE PETS!!!) and headed over to a bus station to pick up Sarah.

And through a circuitous route, that leads us back to the third floor of Sarah’s parents’ house, with Skitz the kitten in tow. Her parents’ have volunteered to finally take the tiny beast to the vet (her breathing sounds worse than it ever has), and though I’m grateful for that, I found myself waking up in the middle of the night, listening for the tiny creature’s tiny noises, and was kind of panicked this morning, when I couldn’t hear her at all.

Frantic and silent searching – Heather and I have NOT slept much recently, and Friday was completely exhauting, leaving us without much in the way of reserves. Sarah and Heather are still unconscious, and I didn’t want to bother them, hunting around for the kitten, but – with how attached Heather has become to Skitz, the idea of her choking to death over night… Heather would be mortified to have this vital, curious creature replaced with a limp sack of fur. It would be worse than the crash.

So, waking up and not hearing Skitz made me kind of fearful. I found her eventually, sleeping peacefully in the crook of Sarah’s knee, but she sounds TERRIBLE. Hopping around, she is snortling and sniffing and sneezing (not too unlike myself at the moment, actually – I always react poorly to Sarah’s incense) and as usual, trying to type on the keyboard.

Here, let’s see if she’ll have something to say…. nope nothing right now, she’s gone into the bathroom with Sarah.

It’s unfortunate. There’s a lot more I have to say… but some of it – well, I DO censor myself on occassion. A lot of occassions. I’m trying to keep my mouth shut a LOT these days. A lot of things I really should not have an opinion on.

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