September 11th, 2004.

It’s strange to think that three years ago I was driving home from Glovia, listening intently to the radio, horrified at what I was hearing. I had to pull over to cry a couple of times. I was sure that every day was going to bring something new and terrible.

I’ve been dreaming, which I don’t do much anymore. And I’ve been oversleeping (according to the clock). I think my body is JUST reaching REM as I’m pulling it away, usually, and these last couple nights, my mind has rebelled by sleeping through the morning hours and vomiting forth images of the dead and the Living, of knives and strange chambers.

Heather ALWAYS has bizarre dreams – I WISH I had more exposure to these strange escapes.

Yesterday (since I probably don’t get to use the term “the night before”) I dreamt that I was much younger, and that I slept in a bed with my mother in an attic room that was filled to the walls with our bed. Her mother had died, but she slept with the coffin in our bed, and I dreaded going to sleep every night, because sure enough, the moment my mother fell asleep, grandma would rise. It was bad, because it was like some slapstick comedic romp (you know the kind – sleeping with your mom and your dead grandmother) – the moment my mother looked away, my grandmother, shrouded in cobwebs and cocooned in silk, would slowly rise and peer blindly around. My mom would look around, and the mouldering corpse would quickly lie back down and pretend to be inanimate. Weird dream.

We stayed the night at Rowan’s new “crib” last night… and I dreamt that I was Living with him again, and that his basement apartment, far from ending at his bedroom, extended into a couple of other areas. The first was a large shower room, with multiple huge showers, big spacious, industrial-looking bathrooms, and lots of tile. It vaguely reminded me of the shower room from … not Azkaban… ALCATRAZ in the movie “The Rock”.

From there, there were large portals into classroom sized areas filled with computers, but dusty and disused, some screens cracked, others showing static – wires strewn and falling from the ceiling. At one point during the dream, we had a large, Fight Club-esque meeting where me and this big blonde guy (the kind I used to dream of being) eyed one another warily. Eventually we compared knives in the bathroom… he whipped off his belt to show me his (and I immediately wished that I’d been wearing my Magic Belt), and I handed him mine, sheathed in leather.

My knife was broken in such a way that it unfolded into an evenmore wicked shape than it actually was, and his swivelled in some odd fashion to form a pistol grip, complete with LED flashlight.

We were both suitable impressed.

Last night, before “Predator 2” and unconsciousness, Heather and I went to see my friend Audrey’s band “Sense of Wonder”. Rick and Audrey have been playing with a cello player for the last year, but I haven’t even seen that yet, and now I get to see them replete with piano and upright bass and cello and drums. Rick even whipped out his hollow-body electric to be all rock and roll.

It was an interesting contrast of worlds.

Let me start off by saying, it was VERY cool. I lamented the sound production, but the instrumentation was gorgeous, especially through the slower songs (“Season of Dying”, “Heavenly”, “The Witch and the Peddlar” stick out in my head). Her pianist and bass player specifically added SO much to the music. God, I’m once again struck dumb in the presence of Audrey’s song-writing.  I Loved watching things familiar and alien, sort of meshing, but whereas that would normally make me uncomfortable, this

Rick and Audrey and their "Sense of Wonder". Their drummer, Rob Nicholson, is visible in the background, and that's their producer introducing them.
Rick and Audrey and their “Sense of Wonder”. Their drummer, Rob Nicholson, is visible in the background, and that’s their producer introducing them.
Audrey with bass player Mark Sylvester and their cello player Dayana Yochim
Audrey with bass player Mark Sylvester and their cello player Dayana Yochim

was… exotic.

It was a strange mixing of worlds, bringing Heather Lloyd into a nest of people that I hadn’t seen in years, including Audrey’s parents. It was a proud night – Heather was looking especially stunning, and I was wearing my Especially-Cool-Shirt-That-I-Stole-From-Justin-and-Must-Replicate-Before-Returning Shirt, and we could say “yeah, just finished our first year touring the country, et cetera… day job? what day job?! Ah HA!!” I was really proud to meet people out of my old Life and display where I was in my current one. People ask me what I’m doing and I can say, “Oh, I’ve been on tour for a year now…” So good.

All in all, a good night. I'm eager to see what they do with the band, as they may just be together for the album, but I think the jazz trio backing them really does wonderful things for their sound. Audrey specifically seemed in Love with having the pianist, and Rick Loved getting some rock and roll moments out of the drummer (as well as bazouki feedback, of course). I miss them.
All in all, a good night. I’m eager to see what they do with the band, as they may just be together for the album, but I think the jazz trio backing them really does wonderful things for their sound. Audrey specifically seemed in Love with having the pianist, and Rick Loved getting some rock and roll moments out of the drummer (as well as bazouki feedback, of course).
I miss them.

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