April 8th, 2004.

We returned to the bar of 70’s decor… we returned to Polly Esther’s. Last night… we went back despite better judgement. Originally, Heather had been planning to go to some poetry slam… being the uncultured wretch that I am, I tend not to enjoy slams (don’t really like the competitive culture that surrounds them) and I’d planned to go back to Polly Esther’s on my own, just to watch Uncle Chunky play.

Anywho, Heather ended up changing her mind, and we headed out to Rockville together. I think she was kind of horrified.

Anywho, surrounded by strobing lights and airbrushed tie-dyed walls – we hung out at Polly Esther’s till 11pm or so, with the (perhaps) 6 other occupants of the bar…. INCLUDING the owner/sound guy and bartender and the three members of the house band (Uncle Chunky).

Aaand, incidentally the evening included Chris - a horn player we'd met the previous night at College Perk. Down from Wimington and looking for stuff to do while he's here. So, he came down to Polly Esther's and played bluesy jazzy jams with Uncle Chunky. When he walked in with his horn, the owner and I traded WTF looks... it was odd watching him jam out with it, cause he did all the little horn dance moves that you visualize with trombones or trumpets - and they just looked odd coupled with an instrument that looks like... well, it looks like the one that the nerdy kid with braces gets stuck with in band class... the one that keeps having to empty the spit out of his brass or whatever. Of course, he's a nuclear engineer, so he may well have once been that kid, but now he's turned the baritone horn into a Tool of Cool. hehe.
Aaand, incidentally the evening included Chris – a horn player we’d met the previous night at College Perk. Down from Wimington and looking for stuff to do while he’s here. So, he came down to Polly Esther’s and played bluesy jazzy jams with Uncle Chunky. When he walked in with his horn, the owner and I traded WTF looks… it was odd watching him jam out with it, cause he did all the little horn dance moves that you visualize with trombones or trumpets – and they just looked odd coupled with an instrument that looks like… well, it looks like the one that the nerdy kid with braces gets stuck with in band class… the one that keeps having to empty the spit out of his brass or whatever. Of course, he’s a nuclear engineer, so he may well have once been that kid, but now he’s turned the baritone horn into a Tool of Cool. hehe.

Anywho – I enjoyed the music, and it was probably a good thing we’d gone back, as the owner had been trying to remember my name… he’d been asked by Budweiser to name 5 acts to be Budweiser represented bands, and wanted to suggest us as one of them.

Now… I don’t drink. Or rather, I used to not drink… and now I really don’t drink very much, and I certainly don’t play at bars, standing on stage with a bottle in my hand, trying to encourage the patrons to buy another round. I like to play at places that feature music and have alcohol, rather than the other way around.

So – IF he remembers our name – and IF he passes our information to Budweiser – and IF Budweiser agrees and decides that we are “Real Music” worthy of being backed by Bud… well, I don’t know what exactly I would think of that. But it’s a moral dilemma that I wouldn’t mind having.

Heather got up and sang "Little Wing" with the Chunky Uncle people and was simply incredible. Sigh... their lead singer/guitarist is sort of like a god. A little dark-haired god with a teeny goatee. Maybe a guitar playing satyr with his knees knocked around the other way?
Heather got up and sang “Little Wing” with the Chunky Uncle people and was simply incredible. Sigh… their lead singer/guitarist is sort of like a god. A little dark-haired god with a teeny goatee. Maybe a guitar playing satyr with his knees knocked around the other way?

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