April 19th, 2004.

From somewhere just North of the Pennsylvania line – I-70, listening to Ellis Paul: It’d be cool to be singer/songwriter owner/operators – musicians who also own a big 18-wheeler.

We’d pull our rig into the little coffeehouse, carefully parellel parking – and we’d HAVE to end the gig by 11 cause we’ve got a load of cheese that’d have to be in Kentucky by 7am.

Ah yes, the Life of a cheese wranglin rock god.

A couple of big windmill thingies for Justin. I'm not sure why, I think we were talking about them recently though... for some reason. But it's for Justin.
A couple of big windmill thingies for Justin. I’m not sure why, I think we were talking about them recently though… for some reason. But it’s for Justin.
And lawn gnomes for Shane. And deer. But mostly lawn gnomes.
And lawn gnomes for Shane. And deer. But mostly lawn gnomes.
Big sign. Wee. Or not, really.
Big sign. Wee. Or not, really.
Hot Metal Bridge, Pittsburgh, PA.
Hot Metal Bridge, Pittsburgh, PA.

Just got back to Sarah’s from Rex’s Theatre. We played like rock gods, which mostly just made us really really warm. The audience adored us, but they were also a bit weird. I Loved the host, Maude (of Louie and the Humans) – and the … NOT the bouncer… we’ll call him the Unbouncer, since he let us in but didn’t throw anyone out – and actually, I also really liked the owner. He exuded calm as HE asked US for our contact information. Score.

The next morning is beautiful and slow. The temperature is perfect, passing traffic is leisurely. At around 5 this morning, our car alarm went off, causing much stress and embarassment (for some reason it always goes off at Sarah’s house), and then the woodpecker started, and then the busses, and then the cat went insane…

The Rex Theatre - Pittsburgh, PA.
The Rex Theatre – Pittsburgh, PA.

but since THEN it’s been a perfect morning. Heather’s still lying in bed, trying to trap the cat.

Thoughts from the night –

“I have no time for little lives tonight.”

“I hear our car alarm in birdsong.”

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