August 8th, 2004.

Not much to say, really. It’s 1am, and we’ve got to be out of the city by eight. Tonight I’ve been hit on by three men, two flaming guys have expressed to Heather how in reality, they’re very bisexual, we’ve been thrown out of a gay bar, and a lesbian has stolen my pants.


But that’s ok. I’m in hers.


So, I’m sitting in Deanne’s Living room, and thinking about Wilmington. Jessi’s lapping water in the kitchen (she has a very specific rhythm, laplap… laplap… laplap) and Heather’s typing away in the next room (taptap… taptap… tappitytap). Night time silence swallows the rest of the world.

We really have fallen into the lap of the gay community – I think about how unfortunate it would’ve been if Annette had received an email from a closed-minded individual, about the dawning horror for them as they realized who they were playing to, perhaps… I was thinking about that at Costello’s. An average straight couple, walking into the techno of this fine wine bar – they’d see Heather and Deanne and I at the front there, how long would it take them to figure out that they were in a gay bar?

Heather at the delightful Costello's. Hrm, for those straight couples unsure of where they are, if all the male/male couples aren't a hint, how about the nude cello player on the wall...?
Heather at the delightful Costello’s. Hrm, for those straight couples unsure of where they are, if all the male/male couples aren’t a hint, how about the nude cello player on the wall…?

Wilmington seems a very accepting environment (though I wonder, if I approached a random clubber on the street and commented on how delightful it was that Wilmington was such an openly gay town, how they’d react) – far more accepting than home. It seems that Maryland is still caught up in almost a competition – that many people have gay friends as trophies, to display how tolerant they are, or something… I’m not even sure where I fall on that line. I certainly don’t approve of the stereo-typed behaviour – cruising rest-stops and men’s restrooms, the promiscuity, the “high-risk behaviour”… and there seemed to be a lot of that high-lighted tonight.

On the other hand, my favourite gay couple, Dave and Patrick, have invited me to their wedding recently, and seem to be in the most stable relationship that I’ve seen for a long time – straight OR gay, they’re a model couple.

I’m of course thinking of Gordon again, and thinking that if he’d been here, he’d have seen things that would’ve completely reinforced his views, and that that’s unfortunate. Same thing, I suppose, as a nigger-hating bigot seeing that black on black violence is on the rise in the city – their view totally reinforced by evidence from the African-American community, they can turn off the television confident that their world-view is secure.

Departure from Wilmington was lit by streamers of golden AM sun.
Departure from Wilmington was lit by streamers of golden AM sun.

It’s so hard to reverse those trends when some (half? most? who knows) of the given population is fighting so hard to reinforce the stereo-type… it’s like we should be separating kids from their parents at age 5 and sending them to some sort of re-education camps. I look at the Situation in the Middle-East and think that’s the only way to solve it. Otherwise the circle just keeps rolling – year after year, of COURSE the kids will be taught the same old thing.

Innocent until proven guilty? But society actually DOES prove itself guilty over and over and over again. It just goes to show that again, the only thing you can judge is the individual.

Some would argue that you can’t even judge the individual, that you;ve got to judge the past, the present, the future, their sanity, their drugs… you’ve got to stop some place….

I’m babbling – I’m tired and I’m babbling. It’s time to sleep before I start outlining my plans for world-domination, eugenics, and my breeding plans for the human race as a whole. That stuff NEVER goes over well.

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