August 25th, 2004.

Perhaps, not as good a night – but the moment I start to think that, things tend to turn around. We’ve returned to the clutches of Damian and Nien, and we’ve returned to the Firehouse Grill. It was a night of ups and downs, and though I thnk I met some people that I’m going to be really, really glad to know – I came away feeling a little put upon and tired.

Maybe I’ll write more about that tomorrow – but it was the kind of night that made me really, really appreciate this small gesture from Damian: He’s gotten me to really fall in Love with the rather thick and orange flavour of Grand Marnier. Sleep comes easier this way.

I may be slightly jealous of Justin at this moment. On thursday he moves into the Commons at the Maryland Insititute, College of Art (plus or minus comma) - a place where I spent a good 4 and a half years of my Life. Plus however much more coming back and visiting people. And now it looks to be a place to visit again. I've got a lot of nostalgia for the place - I'm reminded how the evening sun always lights up building three, marking a kind of romance for the kitchen. I very much miss some of the security that went along with college. You were given a direct path, and there was a pretty obvious way to succeed, a blatant way to fail. There was a contained social circle, and you always had company in insomnia. Now there's just competition and struggle and no relaxation. I miss the game that was college.
I may be slightly jealous of Justin at this moment. On thursday he moves into the Commons at the Maryland Insititute, College of Art (plus or minus comma) – a place where I spent a good 4 and a half years of my Life. Plus however much more coming back and visiting people. And now it looks to be a place to visit again. I’ve got a lot of nostalgia for the place – I’m reminded how the evening sun always lights up building three, marking a kind of romance for the kitchen. I very much miss some of the security that went along with college. You were given a direct path, and there was a pretty obvious way to succeed, a blatant way to fail. There was a contained social circle, and you always had company in insomnia. Now there’s just competition and struggle and no relaxation. I miss the game that was college.
There, that's as close as I'll ever come to doing the musician thing where we're supposed to yell "GO DRINK" from the stage.
There, that’s as close as I’ll ever come to doing the musician thing where we’re supposed to yell “GO DRINK” from the stage.
Justin's moving into the Commons at MICA soon... he... like measures stuff.
Justin’s moving into the Commons at MICA soon… he… like measures stuff.
Though the tree we planted our freshman year sure hasn't grown much. I guess it's only been ... oh... it's been 10 years. Bloody Hell.
Though the tree we planted our freshman year sure hasn’t grown much. I guess it’s only been … oh… it’s been 10 years. Bloody Hell.

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