Monday Music at the Museum w Girl Blue


Mon, Mar 13th    
7:00 pm till 9:00 pm


Sandy Spring Museum
17901 Bentley Road, Sandy Spring, MD, 20860, Maryland


Monday nights are an impossible, yet inevitable, night to have to book performances while touring. Artists are left with the difficult financial choice to take a night off, drive long distances between shows, or heavily modify their listening- room act to work in a bar-room environment. But thanks to Sandy Spring Museum, meaningful music with lyrics meant to be listened to has a home on Monday, March 13, when Girl Blue will pass through town like a meteor.

Girl Blue is the moniker of New York singer/songwriter Arielle O’Keefe. She’s been placed on major Spotify playlists (her top two tunes have 4.5 million streams!), had music in national commercials, and was featured on Huffington Post. She’s received SEVEN Thomas Edison Music Awards, twice awarded both Songwriter of the Year and Solo Artist of the year. But the truth is, she’s just the most compelling, powerful, musically gifted, vocally untouchable artist I have ever seen. Immaculate in her authenticity. Arielle’s music is like visual art: It needs a quiet space in which to be contemplated. These are not love songs, but poems set to music, unafraid to dig deeper into the complicated experiences of women, the impact of social media and the struggle of mental health.


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